
See what our customers think of the O4K9 program

Matt H. - "Training with Porsche has been going great; she's really become a different dog lately. Before you started with us it would have been nearly a panic if she got out the front door. Now she follows me around while I work outside or in the driveway. We wouldn't have dared to take her downtown or to a restaurant, but we didn't hesitate to take her out to breakfast with us and walk around the farmer's market last weekend...
      “We’ll be taking her on a cross-country road trip next month and I never would have dreamed of that just a few months ago. That’s a pretty incredible turn around in such a short time. It’s amazing to watch her correct herself in a heel, put herself back into a sit, and deal with a ton of distraction while being so calm.
       “I think the most important thing is that we’ve got the tools to take it from here and keep training and improving. I think you’ve really trained my wife and I as much as Porsche. We both feel confident enough to now work with Porsche and continue training and improving. I think the mark of a great trainer is someone that can equip their trainees to go succeed on their own and not be forever dependent on the trainer. You’ve definitely nailed that, and in a short period of time.”
Mark T. - "We have a small Boston Terrier who is currently almost 9 months old. Blake started working with her a couple months ago, and it has been a great experience. Blake’s methods are easy to implement, and they work! Maisie has gone from pulling at the leash all the time to walking right next to me at my pace...

“Blake uses simple, proven techniques to teach our dog to listen and obey without being harsh or having to use treats. Maisie is doing great! I am very impressed with his professionalism and knowledge of how to work with dogs. He is also very kind and affectionate with our little dog, and she loves him! I highly recommend Blake if your dog needs training; he will teach you how to teach your dog!”

Moriah S. - "When I first got my dog, Badger, I thought it would be easy. I thought that by reading articles and watching YouTube videos, training my dog would be a breeze. With treats in hand, I was prepared to have the best trained dog ever. Except...Badger won't do tricks for treats. He barely glanced at me when I brought them out, and while it was cute, I was suddenly at a loss. I was faced with a dog with no manners, no patience, and I had no way to help him...

“When I met Blake when Badger was 5 months old, I was nervous. I knew I had a dog with potential, but I had no trust in him, and no confidence in myself. I was shocked to learn that treats were no longer a bargaining chip, and the difference it made was incalculable. Over the weeks, we built trust, and it was finally fun to work with my dog without feeling like I was dragging a unwilling participant behind me. He has learned sit, down, come, heel, and place; and I have learned how to train him. I have been given a full toolbelt for the future years with Badger.

“Training with Blake has made Badger and I’s bond grow, and made me reevaluate how to work with my dog. Blake’s coaching and readiness to give advice whenever needed was so helpful as we navigated Basic Training. He was always available when I had questions or worries. The difference I see in Badger is now like day and night!”